Well I really have nothing else to talk about that is school appropriate so I guess I have to talk about sports. I really don’t like sports. I never really did like sports. All of my friends are into sports but there all mostly guys so it’s kind of reasonable that they are. I think it’s stupid that people get all excited for sports when it’s actually kind of stupid. The sport that I hate the most is football. I never got how to play it. My friends keep trying to explain it to me all the time but I usually don’t listen to them long enough to get it. I have watched my friends play football for years and I think that I will never get it. But I honestly don’t want to learn how to play because I don’t want my friends to make me play. There are lots of more sports that I hate but I really don’t think that I have the time to name them all.
I also hate the Olympics. I watched it one year when I was younger and I thought that it was really boring. All of my family can watch it the whole time and I just can’t because when I first watched it I fell asleep after like the first 12 minutes of it. But I guess that it’s just the fact that I can’t stay still for long so I can’t really watch anything for a long time. I think that all of the sports that are in the Olympics are boring ones but I don’t really know all the sports that are in the Olympics because I don’t watch it a lot when it’s on. I never got the point of the Olympics. I mean what’s the point of it to show off what most people are too lazy to do? I personally think that it’s really stupid